Supply Chain Strategy
Identification and prioritization of key supply chain and related
initiatives to ensure improved corporate operations rather than
improved "pieces" of the supply chain. Additional focus is ensuring the
alignment of supply chain strategy with corporate strategy.
Chain Connectors Offerings: Supply Chain
Strategy Assessment or Supply Chain Strategic Planning, Supply Chain
Organization Review, Supply Chain Requirements Definition
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Improve the management of the returns channel to identify productivity
improvements, reduce product failures, extend product lifecycles and
improve asset recovery to increase profitability.
Representative Chain Connectors Offerings: Reverse
Logistics, Returns Management Assessment
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Meeting customer need dates with a complete order including post sales
service and billing accuracy accompanied by real-time tracking and
visibility of product and information transfer.
Representative Chain Connectors Offerings:
Network Strategy or Distribution Network Rationalization, Supply Chain
Analytics, Supply Chain Event Management or Supply Chain Visibility
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Develop long-term partnerships with a smaller core group of suppliers
in a win-win relationship where both parties increase sales and
Representative Chain Connectors Offerings: Strategic Sourcing Analysis,
Supplier Rationalization, SKU Rationalization, Vendor Management
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Point-of-sale information management, "key" customer demand, strategic
forecasting, predictions, product allocation, and complex analysis to
improve overall efficiency of the supply chain while optimizing
inventory from suppliers through to customers
Representative Chain Connectors Offerings:
Forecasting Assessment, Collaborative Logistics (including
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment-CPFR), Inventory Strategy, Customer Segmentation
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Supplier or
Customer Relationship Management (SRM or CRM)
Working to have two-way dialogue with channel partners including
metrics for supplier performance and customer requirements. This might
include having a single point of contact (SPOC) capability for vendors
and customers to interact with your company.
Representative Chain Connectors Offerings: Supplier
Relationship Management, Customer Relationship Management, Customer or
Supplier Segmentation
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Service Management
Evaluation of customer perceptions of your service to them including
real-time information on promised shipping dates, product availability,
and potential delays.
Representative Chain Connectors Offerings: Customer
Service Evaluation or Customer Service Strategy
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We maintain a current knowledge of new supply chain software tools
which facilitate increased levels of internal coordination and
collaboration. This knowledge allows us to best select the software to
match your functional requirements.
Representative Chain Connectors Offerings: Software
Selection, Solution Deployment
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We believe fundamental rethinking and creative redesign of business processes will achieve dramatic improvements in basic ROI measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.
Our combination of strategic thinking and technical expertise helps plan (or validate) your supply chain, evaluate your alternatives, deploy your solutions and reap your benefits.
We maintain strong working relationships with software vendors specializing in inventory control, returns management, supply chain visibility (supply chain event management), and other areas yet retain impartiality based upon requirements definition.
As our introduction to your business needs, Chain Connectors
offers a low risk, facilitated, strategy session to identify your
supply chain processes, their strengths and weaknesses, possible
initiatives and prioritize based upon ROI
For A Test Drive
Mission Statement
We will provide superior quality and delivery of supply chain
management consulting and deployment services to our clients. Our focus
is to provide value to our clients by pricing our services so that both
mid-market and Fortune 500 clients will gain significant benefits from
our work. A key enabler for Chain Connectors is the Internet and the
solutions that are enabled by it. Our services/solutions have the
ability to predict, monitor and manage internal as well as external
business processes.